My Journey as a ... Writer

I am actually very conflicted about writing.  In the traditional sense I believe I stink at writing.  When I was a kid I wrote poetry and I had an aunt who had it published…I think she was blinded by love or something.  When I began this program I had high hopes, but the more I write the more I seem to struggle.  It doesn’t help that I had a professor who we had work shopped with and at one point told me that with just a couple of changes we had discussed this was probably an “A” paper.  However, when I handed in my portfolio she gave me a “C” and told me that it was disorganized and flawed in many ways.  Not only was I devastated I was now at a loss as to how to judge my work.  This was only a semester ago and I’m still at a loss.  We have been told to take a risk, experiment and then graded poorly for doing just that.  Please understand, I am a good student with A,B grades, so it isn’t crying about grades, it’s that I don’t know.  I listen to my classmates and am awed by their talent and I just want to be solid.  I am truly hoping that I will find the genre that I will click with for my writing. 


I can’t stand traditional research for papers.  I worry so much about citation; I sometimes lose my mojo for the subject.  I would much rather research people who are living.  I have a neighbor who is from Ghana and I am always picking her brain about all kinds of things about her country: from the educational system to the way their houses are built.  It is amazing the things I have learned from her.  I have an aunt, actually my husband’s aunt who is 84 and my best friend.  The stories she tells are just mind blowing.  It is all real life information that shows how life cycles over and over only in different clothes.


I am fairly technology literate.  I have a FaceBook account, a Twitter account, I blog, text and email.  I take pictures and use a video camera with ease.  I’m not afraid of technology.  I’ll try anything and figure it out.  However, working full time and being a wife and mother, as well as a full time student doesn’t leave a lot of time for such pursuits.